Set up Log Viewing with Elasticsearch, Kibana and Filebeat

The TigerGraph system produces extensive and detailed logs about each of its components. Starting with TigerGraph 3.2, TigerGraph provides a gadmin utility that allows users to easily view log files through an Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Filebeat setup.

This page offers a step-by-step guide to set up log viewing for all components in a TigerGraph cluster with Elastic search, Kibana, and Filebeat.

1. Before you begin

  • Install Elasticsearch on a machine that is running TigerGraph.

    • If you have a TigerGraph cluster, you only need to install Elasticsearch on one node.

  • Install Kibana on the same machine where you installed Elasticsearch.

  • Install Filebeat.

    • If you have a TigerGraph cluster, you need to install Filebeat on all nodes in the cluster.

2. Procedure

2.1. Configure Elasticsearch for remote access

The default Elasticsearch settings only allow the Elasticsearch service to be accessed from the same machine it starts from. In order to allow Elasticsearch to receive log files from other servers in the cluster, we have to make the following edits to the file at /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml "<server_private_ip>"
discovery.seed_hosts: ["<server_private_ip>"]
# server_private_ip refers to the private ip address of the machine where
# elasticsearch is installed
cluster.initial_master_nodes: [ "node-1" ]
# "node-1" is the default name of the Elasticsearch node. If you changed
# the default name, you would use the name you chose instead

After editing the configurations, restart the Elasticsearch service.

Elasticsearch is a memory-intensive service. For more information on memory management for Elasticsearch, see Managing and Troubleshooting Elasticsearch Memory.

2.2. Configure Kibana with Elasticsearch and enable remote access

You need to make the following changes to the file at /etc/kibana/kibana.yml:

  • To allow remote access, change the value of to the IP address or DNS name of the Kibana server. Since the Kibana server is on the same machine as Elasticsearch, this value should be the same private IP that you specified as Elasticsearch’s

  • Additionally, you need to provide the address of the Elasticsearch server in the elasticsearch.hosts setting. By default, Elasticsearch is on port 9200, so the value for this setting should be ["server_private_ip:9200"]

After editing the configurations, restart the Kibana service.

3. Configure Filebeat

Finally, we need to configure Filebeat to have each component on each node send its logs to the Elasticsearch server. To do so, run the following gadmin command:

gadmin log build filebeat <--host={ip_address_1}[,{ip_address_n}]*>

The command outputs a Filebeat configuration file filebeat.yml . The following options are available:

Option Description


Required. The list of IP addresses of the nodes whose logs you want to send to the Elasticsearch server. Example: + --host=,,


Optional. If this flag is provided, Filebeat will harvest all log files including the oldest. If not included, Filebeat will only harvest the logs since the most recent time each service started.


Optional. The path to output the configuration file. By default, the command outputs the configuration file filebeat.yml to the current directory.


Optional. The services you want Filebeat to monitor. By default, all services are included. Example: --service=

After generating the filebeat.yml file, copy it to the directory /etc/filebeat on every node, and restart the Filebeat service on each node.

After the service restarts, you should be able to view the logs through Kibana’s user interface in your browser at server_ip:5601.