Configuration Parameters
This page lists the configuration parameters that are available for gadmin config
To change a parameter, use the following command:
$ gadmin config set <parameter> <value>
After updating a parameter, run gadmin config apply
to apply the change and restart the corresponding services to make the change take effect.
Name | Description | Default |
Admin.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
Admin.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
Admin.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
Admin.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level(“INFO”,“WARN”,“ERROR”), default is INFO |
Admin.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
Admin.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for Admin |
Admin.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for Admin |
Admin.Port |
The port for Admin |
Name | Description | Default |
Controller.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
Controller.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
Controller.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
Controller.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level(“DEBUG”,“INFO”,“WARN”,“ERROR”,“PANIC”,“FATAL”), default is INFO |
Controller.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
Controller.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for Controller |
Controller.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The nodes to deploy Controller |
Controller.ConfigRepoRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.DataRoot) of config repo where the service config files are stored |
Controller.FileRepoRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.DataRoot) of the file repo for file management |
Controller.FileRepoVersionNum |
The maximum version of files to keep in the file repo |
Controller.LeaderElectionHeartBeatIntervalMS |
The maximum interval(milliseconds) at which each service should call controller leader election service to be considered alive. |
Controller.LeaderElectionHeartBeatMaxMiss |
The maximum number of heartbeat can be missed before one service is considered dead by controller |
Controller.Port |
The serving grpc port for Controller |
Name | Description | Default |
Dict.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
Dict.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
Dict.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
Dict.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
Dict.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for Dict |
Dict.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for Dict |
Dict.Port |
The port for Dict |
Name | Description | Default |
ETCD.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
ETCD.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
ETCD.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level(“DEBUG”,“INFO”,“WARN”,“ERROR”,“PANIC”,“FATAL”), default is INFO |
ETCD.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
ETCD.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for ETCD |
ETCD.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for ETCD |
ETCD.ClientPort |
The port of ETCD to listen for client traffic |
ETCD.DataRelativePath |
The data dir of etcd under $DataRoot |
ETCD.ElectionTimeoutMS |
Time (in milliseconds) for an election to timeout |
ETCD.HeartbeatIntervalMS |
Time (in milliseconds) of a heartbeat interval |
ETCD.MaxRequestBytes |
Maximum client request size in bytes the server will accept |
ETCD.MaxSnapshots |
Maximum number of snapshot files to retain (0 is unlimited) |
ETCD.MaxTxnOps |
Maximum number of operations permitted in a transaction |
ETCD.MaxWals |
Maximum number of wal files to retain (0 is unlimited) |
ETCD.PeerPort |
The port of ETCD to listen for peer traffic |
ETCD.SnapshotCount |
Number of committed transactions to trigger a snapshot to disk |
Name | Description | Default |
Executor.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
Executor.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
Executor.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
Executor.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level(“DEBUG”,“INFO”,“WARN”,“ERROR”,“PANIC”,“FATAL”), default is INFO |
Executor.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
Executor.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for Executor |
Executor.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The nodes to deploy Executors |
Executor.DataRelativePath |
The data dir of executor under $DataRoot |
Executor.FileTransferPort |
The port for Executor to do file transfer |
Executor.FileVersionNum |
The maximum version of files to keep |
Executor.Port |
The serving port for Executor |
Executor.WatchDogIntervalMS |
The process status check interval (ms) |
Name | Description | Default |
FileLoader.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
FileLoader.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
FileLoader.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
FileLoader.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level(“OFF”, “BRIEF”, “DEBUG”, “VERBOSE”), default is BRIEF |
FileLoader.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
FileLoader.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for FileLoader |
FileLoader.Factory.DefaultLoadingTimeoutSec |
The default per request loading timeout (s) for FileLoader |
FileLoader.Factory.DefaultQueryTimeoutSec |
The default query timeout (s) for FileLoader |
FileLoader.Factory.DynamicEndpointRelativePath |
FileLoader’s relative (to data root) path to store the dynamic endpoint |
FileLoader.Factory.DynamicSchedulerRelativePath |
FileLoader’s relative (to data root) path to store the dynamic scheduler |
FileLoader.Factory.EnableAuth |
Enable authentication of FileLoader |
FileLoader.Factory.HandlerCount |
FileLoader’s handler count |
FileLoader.Factory.StatsIntervalSec |
FileLoader’s time interval to collect stats (e.g. QPS) |
FileLoader.GPEResponseBasePort |
The port of FileLoader to accept GPE response |
FileLoader.GSEResponseBasePort |
The port of FileLoader to accept GSE response |
FileLoader.ReplicaNumber |
The number of replica of fileloader per node |
Name | Description | Default |
GPE.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
GPE.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
GPE.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
GPE.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level(“OFF”, “BRIEF”, “DEBUG”, “VERBOSE”), default is BRIEF |
GPE.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
GPE.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for GPE |
GPE.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for GPE |
GPE.Disk.CompressMethod |
The compress method of GPE disk data |
GPE.Disk.DiskStoreRelativePath |
The path(relative to temp root) to store GPE temporary disk data |
GPE.Disk.LoadThreadNumber |
The number of threads to load from disk |
GPE.Disk.SaveThreadNumber |
The number of threads to save to disk |
GPE.EdgeDataMemoryLimit |
The memory limit of edge data |
GPE.GPE2GPEResponsePort |
The GPE port for receiving response back from other GPEs |
GPE.GPERequestPort |
The GPE port for receiving requests |
GPE.IdResponsePort |
The GPE port for receiving id response from GSE |
GPE.Kafka.BatchMsgNumber |
The number of messages to send in one batch when using async mode. The producer will wait until either this number of messages are ready to send or queue buffer max ms is reached. |
GPE.Kafka.CompressCodec |
This parameter allows you to specify the compression codec for all data generated by this producer. Valid values are none, gzip and snappy. |
GPE.Kafka.FetchErrorBackoffTimeMS |
How long to postpone the next fetch request for a topic+partition in case of a fetch error. |
GPE.Kafka.FetchWaitMaxTimeMS |
The maximum amount of time the server will block before answering the fetch request if there isn’t sufficient data to immediately satisfy fetch min bytes. |
GPE.Kafka.MsgMaxBytes |
Maximum transmit message size. |
GPE.Kafka.QueueBufferMaxMsgNumber |
The maximum number of unsent messages that can be queued up the producer when using async mode before either the producer must be blocked or data must be dropped. |
GPE.Kafka.QueueBufferMaxTimeMS |
Maximum time to buffer data when using async mode. |
GPE.Kafka.QueueMinMsgNumber |
Minimum number of messages per topic+partition in the local consumer queue. |
GPE.Kafka.RequestRequiredAcks |
This field indicates how many acknowledgements the leader broker must receive from ISR brokers before responding to the request. |
GPE.MemoryLimitMB |
The total topology memory limit GPE |
GPE.NumberOfHashBucketInBit |
The number of bits used to represent hash bucket counts. |
GPE.RebuildThreadNumber |
The number of rebuild threads for GPE |
GPE.StopTimeoutMS |
Stop GPE timeout |
GPE.VertexDataMemoryLimit |
The memory limit of vertex data |
Name | Description | Default |
GSE.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
GSE.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
GSE.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
GSE.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level(“OFF”, “BRIEF”, “DEBUG”, “VERBOSE”), default is BRIEF |
GSE.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
GSE.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for GSE |
GSE.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for GSE |
GSE.IdRequestPort |
The id request serving port of GSE |
GSE.JournalTopicPrefix |
Kafka Topic prefix of GSE journal storage/replication |
GSE.LeaderElectionTTLSec |
The time-to-live of a GSE election participant.A GSE will be kicked out of election if one GSE is not responsive after the TTL. |
The serving port of GSE RLS |
GSE.StopTimeoutMS |
Stop GSE timeout |
Name | Description | Default |
GSQL.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
GSQL.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
GSQL.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
GSQL log level: ERROR, INFO, DEBUG |
GSQL.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
GSQL.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for GSQL |
GSQL.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for GSQL |
GSQL.CatalogBackupFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days for catalog backup files to retain |
GSQL.CatalogBackupFileMaxNumber |
The maximum number of catalog backup files to retain |
GSQL.DataRelativePath |
The data dir of gsql under $DataRoot |
GSQL.EnableStringCompress |
Enable string compress |
GSQL.FileOutputPolicy |
The policy to control file outputs in GSQL queries |
GSQL.GithubBranch |
The working branch in provided repository. Will use ‘master’ as the default branch |
GSQL.GithubPath |
The path to the directory in the github that has TokenBank.cpp, ExprFunctions.hpp, ExprUtil.hpp, e.g. sample_code/src |
GSQL.GithubRepository |
The repository name, e.g. tigergraph/ecosys |
GSQL.GithubUrl |
The url that is used for github enterprise, e.g. |
GSQL.GithubUserAcessToken |
The credential for github. Set it to ‘anonymous’ for public access, or empty to not use github |
GSQL.GrpcMessageMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size of grpc message request of gsql |
GSQL.ManageCatalogTimeoutSec |
GSQL connection timeout (second) to admin server when trying to |
GSQL.MaxAuthTokenLifeTimeSec |
The maximum lifetime of auth token in seconds, 0 means unlimited |
GSQL.OutputTokenBufferSize |
The buffer size for output token from GSQL |
GSQL.Port |
The server port for GSQL |
GSQL.QueryResponseMaxSizeByte |
Maximum response size in byte |
GSQL.RESTPPRefreshTimeoutSec |
Refresh time in Seconds of Restpp |
GSQL.SchemaIndexFileNumber |
File number |
GSQL.TokenCleaner.GraceTimeSec |
The grace time (in seconds) for expired tokens to exist without being cleaned |
GSQL.TokenCleaner.IntervalTimeSec |
The running interval of TokenCleaner in seconds |
GSQL.UserInfoLimit.TokenSizeLimit |
The max number of tokens allowed |
GSQL.UserInfoLimit.UserCatalogFileMaxSizeByte |
The file size limit for user metadata in byte |
GSQL.UserInfoLimit.UserSizeLimit |
The max number of users allowed |
GSQL.WaitServiceOnlineTimeoutSec |
Timeout to wait for all services online |
Name | Description | Default |
GUI.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
GUI.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
GUI.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
GUI.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level(“DEBUG”,“INFO”,“WARN”,“ERROR”,“PANIC”,“FATAL”), default is INFO |
GUI.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
GUI.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for GUI |
GUI.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for GraphStudio |
GUI.ClientIdleTimeSec |
The maximum idle time of client-side GraphStudio and AdminPortal before inactivity logout |
GUI.Cookie.DurationSec |
GUI Cookie duration time in seconds |
GUI.Cookie.SameSite |
Default mode: 1; Lax mode: 2; Strict mode: 3; None mode: 4 |
GUI.DataDirRelativePath |
The relative path of gui data folder (to the System.DataRoot) |
GUI.EnableDarkTheme |
The boolean value on whether or not GUI should enable dark theme |
GUI.GraphStatCheckIntervalSec |
The internval(in seconds) GraphStudio wait before checking the graph statistics |
GUI.HTTPRequest.RetryMax |
GUI http request max retry times |
GUI.HTTPRequest.RetryWaitMaxSec |
GUI HTTP request max retry waiting time in seconds |
GUI.HTTPRequest.RetryWaitMinSec |
GUI HTTP request minimum retry waiting time in seconds |
GUI.HTTPRequest.TimeoutSec |
GUI HTTP request timeout in seconds |
GUI.Port |
The serving port for GraphStudio Websocket communication |
GUI.RESTPPResponseMaxSizeBytes |
The RESTPP response size limit bytes. |
GUI.TempDirRelativePath |
The relative path of gui temp folder (to the System.TempRoot) |
GUI.TempFileMaxDurationDay |
GUI temp file max duration time in days |
Name | Description | Default |
Gadmin.StartServiceDefaultTimeoutMS |
The start one service default timeout in milliseconds |
Gadmin.StartStopRequestTimeoutMS |
The start/stop service default request timeout in milliseconds |
Gadmin.StopServiceDefaultTimeoutMS |
The stop one service default request timeout in milliseconds |
Name | Description | Default |
Informant.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
Informant.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
Informant.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
Informant.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level(“DEBUG”,“INFO”,“WARN”,“ERROR”,“PANIC”,“FATAL”), default is INFO |
Informant.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
Informant.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for Informant |
Informant.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The nodes to deploy Informant |
Informant.DBRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.DataRoot) of informant database source folder |
Informant.GrpcPort |
The grpc server port for Informant |
Informant.RestPort |
The restful server port for Informant |
Informant.RetentionPeriodDay |
The period in days for local database records to keep, set -1 for keeping forever |
Name | Description | Default |
Kafka.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
Kafka.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
Kafka.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level for kafka (“TRACE”, “DEBUG”, “INFO”, “WARN”, “ERROR”, “FATAL” “OFF”) |
Kafka.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
Kafka.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for Kafka |
Kafka.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for Kafka |
Kafka.DataRelativePath |
The data dir of kafka under $DataRoot |
Kafka.IOThreads |
The number of threads for Kafka IO |
Kafka.LogFlushIntervalMS |
The threshold of time for flushing log (ms) |
Kafka.LogFlushIntervalMessage |
The threshold of message for flushing log |
Kafka.MessageMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size of a message of Kafka to be produced (megabytes) |
Kafka.MinInsyncReplicas |
The minimal number of insync replicas that must acknowledge, when producer sets acks to ‘all’ |
Kafka.NetworkThreads |
The number of threads for Kafka Network |
Kafka.Port |
The serving port for Kafka |
Kafka.RetentionHours |
The minimum age of a log file of Kafka to be eligible for deletion (hours) |
Kafka.RetentionSizeGB |
The minimum size of a log file of Kafka to be eligible for deletion (gigabytes) |
Kafka.StartTimeoutMS |
Start kafka timeout |
Kafka.TopicReplicaFactor |
The default replica number for each topic |
Name | Description | Default |
KafkaConnect.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
KafkaConnect.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
KafkaConnect.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level for kafka connect (“TRACE”, “DEBUG”, “INFO”, “WARN”, “ERROR”, “FATAL” “OFF”) |
KafkaConnect.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
KafkaConnect.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for Kafka connect |
KafkaConnect.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for Kafka connect |
KafkaConnect.MaxPollIntervalMS |
The interval between Kafka connect poll loop processing message |
KafkaConnect.MaxRequestSize |
The max request size of kafka connect producer |
KafkaConnect.OffsetFlushIntervalMS |
The interval at which Kafka connect tasks’ offsets are committed |
KafkaConnect.Port |
The port used for kafka connect |
KafkaConnect.ReconnectBackoffMS |
The amount of time to wait before attempting to reconnect to a given host |
KafkaConnect.RetryBackoffMS |
The amount of time to wait before attempting to retry a failed fetch request to a given topic partition |
Name | Description | Default |
KafkaLoader.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
KafkaLoader.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
KafkaLoader.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
KafkaLoader.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level(“OFF”, “BRIEF”, “DEBUG”, “VERBOSE”), default is BRIEF |
KafkaLoader.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
KafkaLoader.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for KafkaLoader |
KafkaLoader.Factory.DefaultLoadingTimeoutSec |
The default per request loading timeout (s) for KafkaLoader |
KafkaLoader.Factory.DefaultQueryTimeoutSec |
The default query timeout (s) for KafkaLoader |
KafkaLoader.Factory.DynamicEndpointRelativePath |
KafkaLoader’s relative (to data root) path to store the dynamic endpoint |
KafkaLoader.Factory.DynamicSchedulerRelativePath |
KafkaLoader’s relative (to data root) path to store the dynamic scheduler |
KafkaLoader.Factory.EnableAuth |
Enable authentication of KafkaLoader |
KafkaLoader.Factory.HandlerCount |
KafkaLoader’s handler count |
KafkaLoader.Factory.StatsIntervalSec |
KafkaLoader’s time interval to collect stats (e.g. QPS) |
KafkaLoader.GPEResponseBasePort |
The port of KafkaLoader to accept GPE response |
KafkaLoader.GSEResponseBasePort |
The port of KafkaLoader to accept GSE response |
KafkaLoader.ReplicaNumber |
The number of replica of kafkaloader per node |
Name | Description | Default |
KafkaStreamLL.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
KafkaStreamLL.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
KafkaStreamLL.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level for Kafka stream LoadingLog (“TRACE”, “DEBUG”, “INFO”, “WARN”, “ERROR”, “FATAL” “OFF”) |
KafkaStreamLL.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
KafkaStreamLL.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for Kafka stream LoadingLog |
KafkaStreamLL.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for Kafka stream LoadingLog |
KafkaStreamLL.Port |
The port used for Kafka stream LoadingLog |
KafkaStreamLL.StateDirRelativePath |
The relative folder path for Kafka stream LoadingLog state |
Name | Description | Default |
Nginx.AllowedCIDRList |
The whitelist of IPv4/IPv6 CIDR blocks to restrict the application access, separate in comma. |
Nginx.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
Nginx.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
Nginx.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
Nginx.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for Nginx |
Nginx.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for Nginx |
Nginx.ClientMaxBodySize |
The maximum request size for Nginx in MB |
Nginx.ConfigTemplate |
The template to generate nginx config. Please use
Nginx.Port |
The serving port for Nginx |
Nginx.ResponseHeaders |
The customized headers in HTTP Response |
Nginx.SSL.Cert |
Public certificate for SSL. (Could use @cert_file_path to parse the certificate from file) |
Nginx.SSL.Enable |
Enable SSL connection for all HTTP requests |
Nginx.SSL.Key |
Private key for SSL. (Could use @key_file_path to parse the key from file) |
Nginx.WorkerProcessNumber |
The number of worker processes for Nginx |
Name | Description | Default |
RESTPP.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
RESTPP.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
RESTPP.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
RESTPP.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level(“OFF”, “BRIEF”, “DEBUG”, “VERBOSE”), default is BRIEF |
RESTPP.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
RESTPP.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for RESTPP |
RESTPP.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for RESTPP |
RESTPP.FCGISocketBackLogMaxCnt |
RESTPP fcgi socket backlog max length which is the listen queue depth used in the listen() call. |
RESTPP.FCGISocketFileRelativePath |
The relative path of FCGI socket for RESTPP-Nginx communitation under $TempRoot |
RESTPP.Factory.DefaultLoadingTimeoutSec |
The default per request loading timeout (s) for RESTPP |
RESTPP.Factory.DefaultQueryTimeoutSec |
The default query timeout (s) for RESTPP |
RESTPP.Factory.DynamicEndpointRelativePath |
RESTPP’s relative (to data root) path to store the dynamic endpoint |
RESTPP.Factory.DynamicSchedulerRelativePath |
RESTPP’s relative (to data root) path to store the dynamic scheduler |
RESTPP.Factory.EnableAuth |
Enable authentication of RESTPP |
RESTPP.Factory.HandlerCount |
RESTPP’s handler count |
RESTPP.Factory.QueryMemoryLimitMB |
The memory limit of query runs for container on disk. The default value is -1, meaning no limit |
RESTPP.Factory.StatsIntervalSec |
RESTPP’s time interval to collect stats (e.g. QPS) |
RESTPP.GPEResponsePort |
The port of RESTPP to accept GPE response |
RESTPP.GSEResponsePort |
The port of RESTPP to accept GSE response |
RESTPP.HttpServer.Enable |
Enable RESTPP’s http server |
RESTPP.HttpServer.Port |
RESTPP’s http server port |
RESTPP.HttpServer.WorkerNum |
RESTPP’s http server worker number |
RESTPP.NginxPort |
The port of RESTPP to accept upstream Nginx requests |
Name | Description | Default |
Security.LDAP.AdminDN |
Configure the DN of LDAP user who has read access to the base DN specified above. Empty if everyone has read access to LDAP data: default empty |
Security.LDAP.AdminPassword |
Configure the password of the admin DN specified above. Needed only when admin_dn is specified: default empty |
Security.LDAP.BaseDN |
Configure LDAP search base DN, the root node to start the LDAP search for user authentication: must specify |
Security.LDAP.Enable |
Enable LDAP authentication: default false |
Security.LDAP.Hostname |
Configure LDAP server hostname: default localhost |
Security.LDAP.Port |
Configure LDAP server port: default 389 |
Security.LDAP.SearchFilter |
Configure LDAP search base DN, the root node to start the LDAP search for user authentication. |
Security.LDAP.Secure.Protocol |
Enable SSL/StartTLS for LDAP connection [none/ssl/starttls]: default none |
Security.LDAP.Secure.TrustAll |
Configure to trust all LDAP servers (unsafe): default false |
Security.LDAP.Secure.TruststoreFormat |
Configure the truststore format [JKS/PKCS12]: default JKS |
Security.LDAP.Secure.TruststorePassword |
Configure the truststore password: default changeit |
Security.LDAP.Secure.TruststorePath |
Configure the truststore absolute path for the certificates used in SSL: default empty |
Security.LDAP.UsernameAttribute |
Configure the username attribute name in LDAP server: default uid |
Security.SSO.SAML.AssertionSigned |
Require Identity Provider to sign assertions: default true |
Security.SSO.SAML.AuthnRequestSigned |
Sign AuthnRequests before sending to Identity Provider: default true |
Security.SSO.SAML.BuiltinUser |
The builtin user for SAML |
Security.SSO.SAML.Enable |
Enable SAML2-based SSO: default false |
Security.SSO.SAML.IDP.EntityId |
Identity Provider Entity ID: default |
Security.SSO.SAML.IDP.SSOUrl |
Single Sign-On URL: default |
Security.SSO.SAML.IDP.X509Cert |
Identity Provider’s x509 Certificate filepath: default empty. You can use @/cert/file/path to pass the certificate from a file. |
Security.SSO.SAML.MetadataSigned |
Sign Metadata: default true |
Security.SSO.SAML.RequestedAuthnContext |
Authentication context (comma separate multiple values) |
Security.SSO.SAML.ResponseSigned |
Require Identity Provider to sign SAML responses: default true |
Security.SSO.SAML.SP.Hostname |
TigerGraph Service Provider URL: default |
Security.SSO.SAML.SP.PrivateKey |
Content of the host machine’s private key. Require PKCS#8 format (start with “BEGIN PRIVATE KEY”). You can use @/privatekey/file/path to pass the certificate from a file. |
Security.SSO.SAML.SP.X509Cert |
Content of the x509 Certificate: default empty. You can use @/cert/file/path to pass the certificate from a file. |
Security.SSO.SAML.SignatureAlgorithm |
Signiture algorithm [rsa-sha1/rsa-sha256/rsa-sha384/rsa-sha512]: default rsa-sha256 |
Name | Description | Default |
System.AppRoot |
The root directory for TigerGraph applications |
System.AuthToken |
The authorization token for TigerGraph services |
System.Backup.CompressProcessNumber |
The number of concurrent process for compression during backup |
System.Backup.Local.Enable |
Backup data to local path |
System.Backup.Local.Path |
The path to store the backup files |
System.Backup.S3.AWSAccessKeyID |
The AWS access key ID for s3 bucket of backup |
System.Backup.S3.AWSSecretAccessKey |
The secret access key for s3 bucket |
System.Backup.S3.BucketName |
The S3 bucket name |
System.Backup.S3.Enable |
Backup data to S3 path |
System.Backup.TimeoutSec |
The backup timeout in seconds |
System.CrossRegionReplication.Enabled |
Enable Kafka Mirrormaker |
System.CrossRegionReplication.PrimaryKafkaIPs |
Kafka mirrormaker primary cluster’s IPs, separator by ‘,’ |
System.CrossRegionReplication.PrimaryKafkaPort |
Kafka mirrormaker primary cluster’s KafkaPort |
System.CrossRegionReplication.TopicPrefix |
The prefix of GPE/GUI/GSQL Kafka Topic, by default is empty. |
System.DataRoot |
The root directory for data |
System.Event.EventInputTopic |
Kafka topic name of event input queue |
System.Event.EventOffsetFolderRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.DataRoot) of the folder to keep track of Kafka offsets for event input/output queue |
System.Event.EventOutputTopic |
Kafka topic name of event output queue |
System.HostList |
The aliases and hostnames/IPs for nodes |
System.License |
The license key for TigerGraph system |
System.LogRoot |
The root directory for TigerGraph logs |
System.SSH.ConfigFileRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.DataRoot) of SSH config file |
System.SSH.Port |
SSH port |
System.SSH.User.Password |
OS User password (optional if using privatekey) |
System.SSH.User.Privatekey |
OS user private key path |
System.SSH.User.Username |
OS Username for TigerGraph database |
System.TempRoot |
The temporary directory for TigerGraph applications |
Name | Description | Default |
TS3.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
TS3.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
TS3.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
TS3.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level(“DEBUG”,“INFO”,“WARN”,“ERROR”,“PANIC”,“FATAL”), default is INFO |
TS3.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
TS3.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for TS3 |
TS3.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for TS3 |
TS3.BufferSize |
The buffer size of TS3 |
TS3.DBRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.DataRoot) of TS3 database source folder |
TS3.DbTrace |
Enable tracing for db operations |
TS3.Metrics |
The metrics TS3 will be collecting |
TS3.RetentionPeriodDay |
The period in days for local database records to keep, set -1 for keeping forever |
Name | Description | Default |
TS3Server.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
TS3Server.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxDurationDay |
The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename |
TS3Server.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
TS3Server.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level(“DEBUG”,“INFO”,“WARN”,“ERROR”,“PANIC”,“FATAL”), default is INFO |
TS3Server.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
TS3Server.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for TS3Serer |
TS3Server.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for TS3Server(Currently only support one node) |
TS3Server.GrpcPort |
The grpc api port for TS3Server |
TS3Server.RestPort |
The restful api port for TS3Server |
Name | Description | Default |
ZK.BasicConfig.Env |
The runtime environment variables, separated by ‘;’ |
ZK.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogFileMaxSizeMB |
The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated |
ZK.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogLevel |
The log level for zk (“TRACE”, “DEBUG”, “INFO”, “WARN”, “ERROR”, “FATAL” “OFF”) |
ZK.BasicConfig.LogConfig.LogRotationFileNumber |
The maximum number of old log files to retain |
ZK.BasicConfig.LogDirRelativePath |
The relative path (to the System.LogRoot) of log directory for ZK |
ZK.BasicConfig.Nodes |
The node list for Zookeeper |
ZK.DataRelativePath |
The data dir of zookeeper under $DataRoot |
ZK.ElectionPort |
The port for Zookeeper to do leader election |
ZK.ForceSync |
The force syncronize property of zookeeper |
ZK.InitLimit |
The amount of time, in ticks(by default 2s for one tick), to allow followers to connect and sync to a leader. Increased this value as needed, if the amount of data managed by ZooKeeper is large |
ZK.Port |
The serving port for Zookeeper |
ZK.QuorumPort |
The port for Zookeeper to do peer communication |
ZK.StartTimeoutMS |
Start zookeeper timeout |