User Defined Tuple (UDT) Functions

The functions on this page retrieve information about user-defined tuples (UDT) for the graph. All functions in this module are called as methods on a TigerGraphConnection object.


getUDTs() → list

Returns the list of User-Defined Tuples (names only).

For information on UDTs, see the User-Defined Tuples page of the GSQL language documentation.


The list of names of UDTs (defined in the global scope, i.e. not in queries).


getUDT(udtName: str) → list

Returns the details of a specific User-Defined Tuple (defined in the global scope).

For information on UDTs, see the User-Defined Tuples page of the GSQL language documentation.


  • udtName: The name of the User-Defined Tuple.


The metadata (the details of the fields) of the UDT.