Running a Loading Job

Clearing and Initializing the Graph Store

There are two aspects to clearing the system: flushing the data and clearing the schema definitions in the catalog. Two different commands are available.


The CLEAR GRAPH STORE command flushes all the data out of the graph store (database). By default, the system asks the user to confirm that you really want to discard all the graph data. To force the clear operation and bypass the confirmation question, use the -HARD option,


Clearing the graph store does not affect the schema.

  • Use the -HARD option with extreme caution. There is no undo option. -HARD must be in all capital letters.

  • CLEAR GRAPH STORE stops all the TigerGraph servers (GPE, GSE, RESTPP, Kafka, and Zookeeper).

  • Loading jobs and queries are aborted.

DROP ALL clears both the data and the schema.

Running a Loading Job

Running a loading job executes a previously installed loading job. The job reads lines from an input source, parses each line into data tokens, and applies loading rules and conditions to create new vertex and edge instances to store in the graph data store.

The input sources could be defined in the loading job or could be provided when running the job. Additionally, loading jobs can also be run by submitting an HTTP request to the REST++ server.

User privileges for running loading jobs are treated as separate from privileges regarding reading and writing data to vertices and edges. A user can create and run loading jobs even without the privileges to modify vertex and edge data. For more information, see Access Control Model in TigerGraph.


RUN LOADING JOB syntax for concurrent loading
RUN LOADING JOB [-noprint] [-dryrun] [-n [i],j] job_name [
    USING file_var [="file_path_string"][, file_var [="file_path_string"]]*
    [, CONCURRENCY=cnum][,BATCH_SIZE=bnum][,EOF="eof_mode"]

When a concurrent loading job is submitted, it is assigned a job ID number, which is displayed on the GSQL console. The user can use this job ID to refer to the job, for a status update, to abort the job, or to restart the job. These operations are described later in this section.



By default, the command will print several lines of status information while the loading is running.
If the -noprint option is included, the output will omit the progress and summary details, but it will still display the job id and the location of the log file.

Example of minimal output when -noprint option is used
Kick off the following job:
  JobName: load_videoE, jobid: gsql_demo_m1.1525091090494
  Loading log: '/usr/local/tigergraph/logs/restpp/restpp_loader_logs/gsql_demo/gsql_demo_m1.1525091090494.log'


If -dryrun is used, the system will read the data files and process the data as instructed by the job, but will NOT load any data into the graph. This option can be a useful diagnostic tool.

-n [i], j

The -n option limits the loading job to processing only a range of lines of each input data file. The -n flag accepts one or two arguments.

For example, -n 50 means read lines 1 to 50. -n 10, 50 means read lines 10 to 50. The special symbol $ is interpreted as "last line", so -n 10,$ means reads from line 10 to the end.


Below are the parameters available for the RUN QUERY command introduced by the USING clause.

filevar list

The optional USING clause may contain a list of file variables. Each file variable may optionally be assigned a filepath_string, obeying the same format as in the CREATE LOADING JOB. This list of file variables determines which parts of a loading job are run and what data files are used.

  • When a loading job is compiled, it generates one RESTPP endpoint for each filevar and filepath_string. As a consequence, a loading job can be run in parts. When RUN LOADING JOB is executed, only those endpoints whose filevar or file identifier (__GSQL_FILENAME_n__) is mentioned in the USING clause will be used. However, if the USING clause is omitted, then the entire loading job will be run.

  • If a filepath_string is given, it overrides the filepath_string defined in the loading job. If a particular filevar is not assigned a filepath_string either in the loading job or in the RUN LOADING JOB statement, then an error is reported and the job exits.


The CONCURRENCY parameter sets the maximum number of concurrent requests that the loading job may send to the GPE. The default is 256.


The BATCH_SIZE parameter sets the number of data lines included in each concurrent request sent to the GPE. The default is 8192.


This is a boolean parameter. The loader has two modes: streaming mode ("False") and EOF mode ("True"). The default mode is ("False"): streaming mode.

  • In streaming mode, loading will never stop until the job is aborted.

  • In EOF mode, loading will stop after consuming the provided file objects.

Running Loading Jobs as REST Requests

Another way to run a loading job is through the POST /ddl/{graph_name} endpoint of the REST++ server. Since the REST++ server has more direct access to the graph processing engine, this can execute more quickly than a RUN LOADING JOB statement in GSQL. For details on how to use the endpoint, please see Run a loading job.