Manage Users in an Organization

When you set up a TigerGraph Cloud account, you are granted the privileges of an Organization Admin for your company.

TigerGraph Cloud allows an Organization Admin to manage multiple users in your organization and control their access to various clusters.

This page explains the user access controls. For help with setting up clusters, visit Create a Cluster.

Invite new users

The account that creates an organization is automatically given the role of an Organization Admin. The first time you log in to a new organization account, you have the opportunity to add additional users to your organization with different roles and privileges.

invite more users

You can also add users later by going to the Access Management page under the sidebar button Users in the TigerGraph Cloud interface.

access management

Invitations will expire after seven days. If an invitation expires, resend the invitation.

Organization roles and privileges

The privileges granted to the various roles in a TigerGraph Cloud organization are as follows:


Organization Member

Organization Cluster Admin

Organization Admin

Can add and remove new members

No 🚫

No 🚫

Yes ✅

Can view organization billing information

No 🚫

No 🚫

Yes ✅

Can create new clusters

No 🚫

Yes ✅

Yes ✅

Can view cluster activities

No 🚫

Yes ✅

Yes ✅

Can shut down/modify an existing cluster

No 🚫

Yes ✅

Yes ✅

Can view cluster data

Only if assigned to the cluster

Yes ✅

Yes ✅

Can access GraphStudio

Only if assigned to the cluster

Only if assigned to the cluster

Only if assigned to the cluster

User management was redesigned with the release of TigerGraph v3.6.0 in July 2022. Clusters created before then are only visible to Organization Admins and Cluster Admins. These legacy clusters exist entirely outside of the User Management system and can still be accessed by ordinary users with the URL.

TigerGraph solution roles

A user in an organization on TigerGraph Cloud is separate from a user on a TigerGraph cluster. On TigerGraph Cloud, a single user in an organization may be assigned to several clusters and have various roles on those clusters.

In this documentation, for consistency, we will refer to these using the terms "organization role" and "cluster role."

For information about the TigerGraph cluster roles, see the page Access Control Model in TigerGraph.

When a TigerGraph Cloud user is added to a cluster as an Organization Cluster Admin or Organization Admin, they are granted the superuser role on that cluster. A user added to a cluster as an Organization Member has no role on the cluster by default, but can be assigned a cluster role by anyone with the superuser cluster role.

Access Management

In the Access Management section on the Users page, you can check the invitation status of each user who has been sent an invitation and also invite new users.

Click on the three-dot menu ••• to modify a user’s role or delete the account. Deleting the account removes the user from all clusters in the organization.

Click Invite Users in the upper-right corner of the page to send out more email invitations to new users and place them in various roles.

Cluster Management

On the My Clusters page, click the third button in the Actions row for each cluster to enter the Cluster Access Management page. From there, you can grant or revoke access to the cluster for different users.